This time last year I was in a frantic panic.  The day before Derby Day and I had nothing to wear…  added to that I was recovering from an operation on my nose from a BCC removal, and I had put extra pressure on myself to find the perfect outfit to distract from the hideous scar on my nose.

Yes, I know what you’re saying why as a stylist had I left my outfit shopping to the last minute?  When you’re focused on shopping for everyone else it’s easy to forget about yourself.   But also add in an operation and challenging myself to ‘buy nothing new’ month during October and I’d literally banned myself from even trying things on for six weeks. So, I set out on the Thursday night before the big day and spent the evening and good half of the next day trying to find that perfect piece.  With no success, I thought I’ll just wear something I have and I’ll just buy some new accessories to give it all a refresh.

So Friday evening and I hit the shops again and decided I’ll get the fascinator I’ve been eyeing off all race season that also had netting at the front which would be a good way to somewhat hide the scar, but I arrived in store to find they were sold out!! Say what?! Where to now? Another endless hour of looking for the perfect fascinator buying new make up to hide the scar and I actually got to the point where I started to tear up, going to that point of inadequacy and feeling so disempowered…why dow we let this stuff overwhelm us so much?

At this point, my partner stepped in and gave me some tough love to snap myself out of it.  She said look at the pressure you are putting on yourself for one day, there is a lot bigger problems in the world, what would you do for a client in this situation??? Well, hello wise one – thanks for the ‘aha’ moment!

It occurred to me, I was going through everything I try so very hard to help all of my clients through. That silly pressure we put on ourselves for one day, that endless spending on the credit card because we manage to justify somehow in our heads that it’s ok to keep spending in order to achieve the ‘perfect look’.

Snapping out of it and putting what I preach into practice I got home and shopped my wardrobe. THIS is the outfit I put together, along with a fedora hat from my hat collection.

So,  let’s look at this:

  • No money spent on the outfit – saving me anywhere from $300+
  • I felt comfortable as it was pieces I am familiar with
  • I love all of these pieces so did feel great
  • No new shoes blisters, as I wore my go-to heels
  • I was wearing a HAT! (Yes, a hat that would protect me from the sun, smart move, after you’ve just had a skin cancer scare!)
  • I felt good, I felt like me, I felt authentic
  • I HAD FUN!

So why did this work?  I have created a wardrobe that means I always have something to wear.  The idea of buying something new was really exciting but sometimes we let ‘new’ trump what feels and looks best.  So, having pieces in your wardrobe to always rely on are key to having a hardworking wardrobe you truly love.  Unfortunately I let this slip my mind, as the want for shiny and new took over my mindset like a beast. And it’s so easy to do at this time of the year when your social media feed, inbox and tv is filled with the latest and greatest in raceway looks.

So, if you’re having the last minute panic this weekend this post is for you.  If you’ve been out recently in a new dress that didn’t feel right this post is for you. If you need to know that yes I know what you’re going through, this post is for you.  If you have that moment of panic, inadequacy and overwhelm just before getting ready for a special occasion this post is for you.

It doesn’t need to overwhelm you. Stop putting pressure on yourself and just be authentically you.

I get it and I’m here for you x