I love breaking the rules. Your rules in fact! It’s one of the challenges I love most about what I do, because it’s so rewarding when I see that mind shift of a rule that’s been weighing you down and limiting you for far too long.

Every time I’m with a client I hear things like:

I don’t wear heels, I only wear flats
I don’t wear blazers, I only wear cardigans
I don’t wear skinny jeans, only bootcut
I don’t wear colour….
I don’t wear black…
I don’t wear high necks…
I won’t spend more than $40 on a top
I won’t wear second hand
… and so the list goes on…

Sound familiar? Do any of these resonate with you? To evolve our style and get out of that style rut, we need to break our rules and this doesn’t mean wearing 6 inch stilettos!! It’s about tweaking things ever so slightly and shifting your mindset so that your shopping options can expand and your style evolves. This is when you will start to see yourself differently in the mirror.

Because let me tell you – there are a lot of variables between a ballet flat and a 6 inch stiletto, and cost per wear of a $40 top you wear once and an $80 top you wear 20 times plus could make you really reconsider that rule. We can work together to create the right tweaks for you. Let’s meet in the middle somewhere and I promise you, you will see yourself differently and feel pretty darn amazing about it!

What rule do you have that would give me the biggest challenge?

It’s time to set yourself free…  let’s chat!